
English Competition

wazaraوزارة التربية                                                                                                                        قسم اللغة الإنجليزية المرحلة الابتدائية
منطقة الأحمدي التعليمية                                                                                                                 العام الدراسي 2009- 2010
مدرسة الزور المشتركة بنين                                                                                             التاريخ:

* Give as many  new words as you can out of the following word :

* Answer the following questions:

    1. Where was Prophet Muhammad  ( PBUH) born?              
    2. What  is the capital of Palestine ?
    3. Who was the first to call for  prayer  in Islam  ?
    4. How many daughters has Prophet Muhammad  ( PBUH) got?              
    5. How many eyes has a bee got ?
* Riddle

1.     He is the son of my father. He is the son of my mother. He is not my brother.  
 Who is he?  .....................................................................................
   2. I fly without wings and cry without eyes.  Who am I? .......................................................
* Mark ( √ ) or ( X):

     1.  Ramadan is the first month of the Muslim Year.                                       (        )
     2.  Kuwait is the smallest Gulf Country.                                                              (        )
     3.  There are 114 Suras in the Quran.                                                         (        )

ملاحظة:   *تسلم الإجابات خلال يومين إلى قسم المرحلة الابتدائية       *  هناك جوائز قيمة للفائزين

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